

Established in 2022, TF is a newly formed NGO, with passion, commitment and dedication to join hands with all well-wishers across the globe to uplift rural communities’ lives in every way possible.

TF puts the rural masses who are marginalized and vulnerable at the heart of everything we do. So far, we have bought and distributed plantain banana suckers to some families in six Traditional Authorities.

These are T/A Chisamba, Salima; T/A Chulu, Kasungu; T/A Mkanda, Mchinji; T/A Kamenyagwaza, Dedza and Senior Chief Kachindamoto, Dedza. TF intends to distribute banana suckers and yam tubers, in phases, across the country. TF used its little money it had, for this pilot phase.And will appreciate funding by well-wishers to continue with its projects.

• TF will ensure best practices of good governance for it is a necessity and not a luxury.

• TF will ensure accountability and transparency and provide how money is used.

• Reports will be provided at all times for access by the donor community and the general public as well.

Women selling tomatoes to earn a living


According to Global Finance, United States of America, Malawi is a developing country, and ranked one of the top ten poorest countries in the world, whose GDP-PPP is US$1,668. Poorest Countries in the World 2024 | Global Finance Magazine (gfmag.com), 3 March 2024.


Malawi remains in extreme and widespread poverty due to other situations that hinder its development, including poor infrastructure, inadequate supply of energy and healthcare facilities, absence of international investors and manufacturing, dependency on rain-fed agriculture, climate change, constrained water resources, deforestation, limited government support in animal husbandry, limited institutional capacity to manage natural resources, poor information, technology and telecommunication, tourism and banking. As a result, there is more of importing than exporting that pulls down the already tender, vulnerable and growing economy even more.



There is hereby established an organization to be known as “Tidzitukule Foundation (TF), [literal translation “Developing Ourselves Foundation”], which shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall under that name be capable of suing and be sued and performing all such acts or services as a body corporate may by law perform.

The address of the foundation will temporarily be Area 47/4/653, M’bwatalika Street, P.O. Box X52, Crossroads, Lilongwe, till such time one is obtained, email: info@tidzitukulefoundation.org

Contacts:  +265 999 422 037 / +265 999 348 429 / +265 985 005 562 / +353 89 202 6110.


Tidzitukule Foundation has the passion in providing assistance to reduce extreme or dire poverty and uplift rural communities’ lives and standards of living through socio-economic activities.

According to World Population Review, Malawi’s population is 21,295,566.  Malawi Population 2024 (Live) (worldpopulationreview.com)), 3 March 2024.  It is estimated that about 18% lives in urban areas, whereas 82% lives in rural areas and those are the targeted groups who will benefit from our projects.  It is these most vulnerable rural communities who will be encouraged and empowered to participate in socio-economic programmes, irrespective of religious, ethical, political and social background.   Hence “Helping People Help Themselves”,through participatory development.


TF is committed, dedicated and patriotic to join hands with the UN and Malawi Government in an effort to realise the UNSDGs 2030, THE 17 GOALS | Sustainable Development (un.org), 3 March 2024, and Malawi 2063 Agenda.  Malawi Vision 2063: An Inclusively Wealthy and Self-reliant Nation | United Nations in Malawi, 3 March 2024.  The foundation intends to contribute towards improvement of the communities’ lives and their socio-economic status in various ways as much as possible.  TF is dedicated to assist up-lift the rural and marginalized people’s social lives and standards through the rural communities’ participation.  The foundation will adopt business approaches, advocacy and operational principles.  Rural communities will therefore be encouraged to form groups according to their talents, skills and interests that will enable them undertake businesses and social activities that suit them. Examples are, fund raising activities such as festivals or competitions. [religious choirs, singing, cultural dances, sports, poems, comedies, story-telling, essay writing, drawings, etc.].  Furthermore, they will be encouraged to form business groups to run small and medium enterprises and open bank accounts for safe keeping of their proceeds for sustainability.


Tidzitukule Foundation will adopt the grassroot development approach. Activities will include reaching out the 250 Traditional Authorities (TAs) across the country with participatory development programmes, in phases.  List Of Traditional Authorities In Malawi – 2024/2025 (foreignconnect.net), 3 March 2024.


The foundation has a number of projects in the pipeline, whose funding will be requested and processed through individual proposals.  Rural communities will be made aware of projects through their Traditional Authorities (TAs) via respective District Commissioners (DCs). Introductory letters will be sent to DCs and TAs.  Letters to TAs will be translated into Chichewa along with any other relevant documentation to enable them understand fully what the foundation will be doing in their areas.


Tidzitukule Foundation (TF) is a newly formed non-profit making organization, non-religious, non-sectarian and non-partisan. It has been registered as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) under the laws of Malawi through the Registrar General’s Office.  The foundation is hereby submitting this concept paper, along with other required documentation for registration with CONGOMA.  Thereafter, the foundation will register with NGO Board.

The foundation is made up of a Board of Trustees.  And will have Board Members in place, employees and volunteers when time is ripe, in order to work together and achieve the intended goals.  To get started, TF Board of Trustees consist of the following:  Ms. Lucy Chitenje, (BSc, Hons.) – Executive Director; Mary Shawa, PhD – Chairperson; Mr. Innocent Semu, (Degree in Project Management) – Vice-Chairperson; Ms. Isabel Chimbiri (Degree in Health Management) – Treasurer; and Mr. Sandram Chimangeni (Diploma in Orthopaedics) – Vice-Treasurer.


TF has so far distributed plantain banana suckers to five Traditional Authorities (TA), five suckers each; and ten families, three suckers each, under every TA as a start up towards joint efforts in realizing the second goal for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030  and Malawi 2063.  The foundation intends to distribute plantain banana suckers to the rural communities through their TAs across the nation, in phases. Plans are underway to distribute yam tubers to grow, so that these two plants can be eaten as alternatives to staple food.



To reduce poverty through participatory development by economically empowering and encouraging communities, using socio-economic programmes, irrespective of religious, ethical, political and social background hence “Helping People Help Themselves”.



TF envisions well developed and equipped Malawian communities with greater heights of socioeconomic development, hence putting rural communities at the heart of everything we do.


To develop passion in self-reliance within communities to effectively reduce obstacles to sustainable socioeconomic development through participatory and behavior pattern.



  1. To empower marginalized and vulnerable people in communities and improve their socio-economic status.
  2. To assist bring additional megawatts of electric power in the country and reach the rural areas using ideas obtained from developed countries such as Luxembourg, India, Qatar., Singapore, USA, Europe, China among others.
  3. To erect a hall/building at every Traditional Authority (TA) across the country 250 (two hundred and fifty).
  4. To use the hall/building mentioned above for activities, and a resource center as well.
  5. To introduce Commercial Bank Agencies at every TA across the country.
  6. To introduce youth empowerment programmes.
  7. To engage in climate change issues/activities by devising programmes that would help to sensitize communities about how best to improve their environment at the same time exercise Corporate Social Responsibilities.
  8. To introduce Post Office Units and Primary Health Care Centres at every TA across the country.
  9. To assist form robust Research and Development teams that will meet half-yearly on the needs of the country from both governmental and private sectors.


  • Passion
  • Empowerment
  • Integrity
  • Excellence



Malawi is composed of three geographical regions, (Northern, Central and Southern), divided into 28 districts, and further into 250 Traditional Authorities.  Therefore, the jurisdiction of the foundation shall be across the country, starting from the grassroots.


TF will be affiliated with relevant and line institutions, both local and international, which share same values, goals, objectives and missions, after approval by the Foundation’s Board of Trustees.  Partners shall include Traditional Authorities, rural communities, relevant government departments, private sectors, local and international donor community and all other stakeholders/well-wishers.


Membership of the foundation is open to everyone irrespective of their nationality, religion, tribe or any other status.




  • Food Security – ideas to solve challenges in relation to various issues including
  • Socio-economic development – promotion of rural communities’ well-being.
  • Education
  • Health, water, sanitation and hygiene.
  • Enterprising, skills development and innovation
  • Heritage and tourism
  • Assist to build collaborative relationships within the rural communities and partners
  • Investment
  • Climate change

(i) Passion;
(ii) (ii) Empowerment;
(iii) (iii) Integrity;
(iv) (iv) Excellence.

Tidzitukule Foundation (TF)