There is hereby established an organization to be known as “Tidzitukule Foundation (TF), [literal translation “Developing Ourselves Foundation”], which shall be a body corporate having perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall under that name be capable of suing and be sued and performing all such acts or services as a body corporate may by law perform.
The address of the foundation will temporarily be Area 47/4/653, M’bwatalika Street, P.O. Box X52, Crossroads, Lilongwe, till such time one is obtained, email:
Contacts: +265 999 422 037 / +265 999 348 429 / +265 985 005 562 / +353 89 202 6110.
Tidzitukule Foundation has the passion in providing assistance to reduce extreme or dire poverty and uplift rural communities’ lives and standards of living through socio-economic activities.
According to World Population Review, Malawi’s population is 21,295,566. Malawi Population 2024 (Live) (, 3 March 2024. It is estimated that about 18% lives in urban areas, whereas 82% lives in rural areas and those are the targeted groups who will benefit from our projects. It is these most vulnerable rural communities who will be encouraged and empowered to participate in socio-economic programmes, irrespective of religious, ethical, political and social background. Hence “Helping People Help Themselves”,through participatory development.