Our Background

Empowering women

Tidzitukule Foundation (TF) is a newly formed non-profit making organization, non-religious, non-sectarian and non-partisan. It has been registered as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) under the laws of Malawi through the Registrar General’s Office.  The foundation is hereby submitting this concept paper, along with other required documentation for registration with CONGOMA.  Thereafter, the foundation will register with NGO Board.


The foundation is made up of a Board of Trustees.  And will have Board Members in place, employees and volunteers when time is ripe, in order to work together and achieve the intended goals.  To get started, TF Board of Trustees consist of the following:  Ms. Lucy Chitenje, (BSc, Hons.) – Executive Director; Mary Shawa, PhD – Chairperson; Mr. Innocent Semu, (Degree in Project Management) – Vice-Chairperson; Ms. Isabel Chimbiri (Degree in Health Management) – Treasurer; and Mr. Sandram Chimangeni (Diploma in Orthopaedics) – Vice-Treasurer.


TF has so far distributed plantain banana suckers to five Traditional Authorities (TA), five suckers each; and ten families, three suckers each, under every TA as a start up towards joint efforts in realizing the second goal for the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030  and Malawi 2063.  The foundation intends to distribute plantain banana suckers to the rural communities through their TAs across the nation, in phases. Plans are underway to distribute yam tubers to grow, so that these two plants can be eaten as alternatives to staple food.